Is there many people like pay the taxes? No body likes paying taxes. Even those who knows that taxation is necessary and just one reluctant to pay taxes. It si not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from you in income tax.
Ignorant people think this is an injustice and make a grievance of it. So, it is just as well that we should know why we are taxed, so that we can see the fairness of the system.
Every country must have a government of same sort, or life would be impossible. The primary duties of government are to protect the life and property of the citizens, to maintain law and settle dispute between citizens in a just and orderly way through the law-courts, to defend the countries from foreign foes, and to maintain the road and highways.
Beside many government maintain and direct education, provide hospital for the sick, and attend the sanitation. All these great public duties need money, and arm and navy have to be keep up, the police force and the judges have to be paid, school have to be provided and teachers supported, expert healthy-officers and sanitary engineers have to be employed.
Now, where is all the money needed for the public service to come from, if we didn’t pay taxes?
The question is answered by another. For this benefits are all these service maintained? The answer is, for the benefit of the public. It is the people as a whole, rich and poor, that benefit by security of life and property, by the sound administration of justice, by the maintenance of the road, by the public hospital, public, school, and god sanitation.
Therefore it is only right that the public the individual citizens of the country should contribute the money needed, for the money they give comes back to them in the shape of these public benefits which all enjoy.
As we have a good and efficient government, so long asour money is being using in the right way, and so long as the burden of taxation is distribute fairly, as different classes bear it, we have no right to grumble as having to pay our share of the taxes.
The conclusion of this writing, are :
1. Paying the taxes is one our obligation for our country to help other people beside us.
2. Paying the taxes make the life easy.
3. And help human being life is our obligation to religion.
4. Paying the taxes is same with help our self because we need also service public.
5. Paying the taxes is helping all man or woman, big or small and old or young man.
6. Paying the taxes not for government but for our self. So, don’t be lazy to pay it.
Alternate preamble ==
I would like to propose the following draft for a slight rephrasing of the preamble: --[[User:Antoine|Antoine]] 15:10, 23 August 2006 (CEST)
Social and technological advances make it possible for a growing part of mankind to access, create, modify, publish and distribute various kinds of works -- art works, scientific and educational materials, software, articles -- in short: anything that can be represented in digital form.
Many communities, built upon mutually accepted ethical values, have arisen to give strength and structure to these instinctive practices; some of them in turn take part in broader social movements such as Free Software.
In most countries however, any original work of authorship is automatically covered by either copyright law or similar legal regimes[[#Notes|3]], which consider authors as god-like "creators" and give them exclusive powers they can use against people who try to re-use "their" content. These laws, whose economic justifications have their roots in Middle Age Europe, not only are not amended to acknowledge the growing importance of the practices outlined above, but are being made increasingly severe and far-reaching in the ways they restrict our freedoms. New tools such as DRM (or Digital Restrictions Management) are part of this desperate plan to limit the free spread and sharing of works by artifically enforcing scarcity.
Most authors, whatever their field of activity, whatever their professionnal status, have a genuine interest in favoring a graceful ecosystem where works can be freely spread, re-used and derived in creative ways. In this ecosystem which is often called "culture", existing and future works benefit from being used freely. We therefore believe that works of authorship should be ''free'', and by '''freedom''' we mean:
* the '''freedom to study''' the work and to apply knowledge acquired from it
* the '''freedom to make and redistribute copies''', in whole or in part, of the information or expression
* the '''freedom to make changes and improvements''', and to distribute derivative works
For a work to be ''free'', these freedoms should be available to absolutely anyone, anywhere. They should not be restricted by the context in which the work is used. Creativity is the act of using an existing resource in a way that had not been envisioned before.
To do give these freedoms, authors can choose among a vast array of legal documents known as [[w:license|licenses]]; licenses make it very easy for authors to give and take their part in the vast ecosystem of authorship. Putting a work under a ''free license'' does not mean the author loses all his rights, but it gives to anyone the freedoms listed above. It is also possible in some countries to explicitly release a work into the public domain, which waives all rights the author has on the work[[#Notes|1]].
The rest of this document precisely defines the ''essential freedoms'' and provides guidelines by which ''licenses'' and ''works'' can be certified as meeting this definition, and therefore called "free".
Is there many people like pay the taxes? No body likes paying taxes. Even those who knows that taxation is necessary and just one reluctant to pay taxes. It si not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from you in income tax.
Ignorant people think this is an injustice and make a grievance of it. So, it is just as well that we should know why we are taxed, so that we can see the fairness of the system.
Every country must have a government of same sort, or life would be impossible. The primary duties of government are to protect the life and property of the citizens, to maintain law and settle dispute between citizens in a just and orderly way through the law-courts, to defend the countries from foreign foes, and to maintain the road and highways.
Beside many government maintain and direct education, provide hospital for the sick, and attend the sanitation. All these great public duties need money, and arm and navy have to be keep up, the police force and the judges have to be paid, school have to be provided and teachers supported, expert healthy-officers and sanitary engineers have to be employed.
Now, where is all the money needed for the public service to come from, if we didn’t pay taxes?
The question is answered by another. For this benefits are all these service maintained? The answer is, for the benefit of the public. It is the people as a whole, rich and poor, that benefit by security of life and property, by the sound administration of justice, by the maintenance of the road, by the public hospital, public, school, and god sanitation.
Therefore it is only right that the public the individual citizens of the country should contribute the money needed, for the money they give comes back to them in the shape of these public benefits which all enjoy.
As we have a good and efficient government, so long asour money is being using in the right way, and so long as the burden of taxation is distribute fairly, as different classes bear it, we have no right to grumble as having to pay our share of the taxes.
The conclusion of this writing, are :
1. Paying the taxes is one our obligation for our country to help other people beside us.
2. Paying the taxes make the life easy.
3. And help human being life is our obligation to religion.
4. Paying the taxes is same with help our self because we need also service public.
5. Paying the taxes is helping all man or woman, big or small and old or young man.
6. Paying the taxes not for government but for our self. So, don’t be lazy to pay it.
Alternate preamble ==
I would like to propose the following draft for a slight rephrasing of the preamble: --[[User:Antoine|Antoine]] 15:10, 23 August 2006 (CEST)
Social and technological advances make it possible for a growing part of mankind to access, create, modify, publish and distribute various kinds of works -- art works, scientific and educational materials, software, articles -- in short: anything that can be represented in digital form.
Many communities, built upon mutually accepted ethical values, have arisen to give strength and structure to these instinctive practices; some of them in turn take part in broader social movements such as Free Software.
In most countries however, any original work of authorship is automatically covered by either copyright law or similar legal regimes[[#Notes|3]], which consider authors as god-like "creators" and give them exclusive powers they can use against people who try to re-use "their" content. These laws, whose economic justifications have their roots in Middle Age Europe, not only are not amended to acknowledge the growing importance of the practices outlined above, but are being made increasingly severe and far-reaching in the ways they restrict our freedoms. New tools such as DRM (or Digital Restrictions Management) are part of this desperate plan to limit the free spread and sharing of works by artifically enforcing scarcity.
Most authors, whatever their field of activity, whatever their professionnal status, have a genuine interest in favoring a graceful ecosystem where works can be freely spread, re-used and derived in creative ways. In this ecosystem which is often called "culture", existing and future works benefit from being used freely. We therefore believe that works of authorship should be ''free'', and by '''freedom''' we mean:
* the '''freedom to study''' the work and to apply knowledge acquired from it
* the '''freedom to make and redistribute copies''', in whole or in part, of the information or expression
* the '''freedom to make changes and improvements''', and to distribute derivative works
For a work to be ''free'', these freedoms should be available to absolutely anyone, anywhere. They should not be restricted by the context in which the work is used. Creativity is the act of using an existing resource in a way that had not been envisioned before.
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